Thursday 3 May 2012

Slow internet... prison... insects...

Because the internet is slow out here (it hasn't worked at all over the last week), I can't always post with photos, so this post is just to tell you how I'm getting on. 
   Everything is going well, the last few weeks have been very hot here. A couple of weeks ago the whole team and all the kids had a day out to the river not far away. Its within the grounds of the prison (which owns a lot of land – mostly rice fields that are worked by the prisoners) and they have made a small dam so there is a great area for swimming. The water is clear and cold which was wonderful. 
   Over the last week, the kids have been away at a holiday camp so it has been quiet. I have been doing lots of work in the garden... being very careful when doing things like turning compost, as there are lots of insects and often baby snakes. 
   On Friday we brought the Badjao kids back to Shiloh (the house) as there is much more space than the small classroom that we use in their village. It is much better for being able to assess what level of education (if any) that they have, it also means we have more time for bible stories and games.