Saturday 7 April 2012

Plenty of teeth at the croc farm

It was my day off, so I went with Johnrey to the crocodile farm, a small zoo in the jungle with mostly, er, crocodiles.
   Crocs live in the wild on Palawan, but if they go anywhere near where people live, they are either killed or captured and taken to the crocodile farm.
   I was amazed to find out how old they can get... the biggest croc there was 116 years old!
   I love Health & Safety here... all the younger crocodiles were kept in open tanks which we could walk between. Except for one small sign, there was nothing to stop people from reaching in and touching them if they wanted – they where easily within reach.
   In the photo gallery, the animal you can see me holding is called a Palawan bear-cat, I have seen several in tourist areas kept as pets for people to hold and have their picture taken for a small charge. For that and more shots... click on the pic...