Tuesday 6 September 2016

The hunt for land

Time is running out to find a piece of land and build our first home in time for our wedding next February! So for much of our free time, Shiela and I are searching for the right place we can call home. 

Over the last several months we have seen dozens of plots of land spread throughout the area, but ideally we need somewhere near to where we both work at the KNA safe home on the farm. 

We have come close a few times, but there was always something wrong that stops us – usually something incomplete with the papers. You have to be very careful with documents here... there are some people that sell plots again and again to different people, often cheap, but the buyers can end up with nothing if not careful. 

So the hunt continues… but the more we ask and the more we look at, we keep meeting people that know of still more plots… so there is always more for us to see. We trust that God has the right place for us, and I hope to show you some photos soon!

Once we are married, we will go home after work several evenings a week and on our days off. Like the other couples here at KNA, we will still spend a few nights a week here at the farm, so there is always enough people with the kids. It will be a very simple home, but we need a place to call our own, some privacy and personal space… as much as I love it at the farm!