Sunday 18 March 2012


The Badjao village is built on stilted houses starting on the beach and stretching out over the water. Its an amazing place with small houses packed together joined by small paths made of planks and bamboo which wobble and bend as I walk over them. In a few places they even use old overtuned canoes and at one very old looking canoe I was told "only one person at a time because this is rotten". I made my way across that part as quickly as I could very aware I am a lot heavier than the locals.
   We work with a group of mid-teens that we are teaching them about Jesus telling bible stories and songs as well as teaching basic education. Many of them have never been to school and can't read or write. We also give them a pure water drink and lots of fruit to give them some important vitamins.
   I love going there and find all the people incredibly friendly and welcoming.
   Click on the photo to see more pics... and    read here what Wikipedia says about the Badjao people.