Monday 20 August 2012

Brushing up on my animal husbandry... or maybe duck midwifery...

I have been enjoying my new responsibility of looking after the animals for the last few mouths. I wake up at 6am every morning to feed them before our 6.30 breakfast. A few days ago 18 duck eggs hatched, so there are now loads of little ducklings to look after... they are very cute.
   One mother was sitting on the eggs of several ducks. It was amazing... I was there right when they where hatching – I even helped the mother pulling off some of the pieces of broken shell from the wet and slimy newly-hatched babies! It was a lovely experience... but I must remind myself that at least half of them will be for eating when they grow up...
   Click on the pic and take a look at some pictures of me with the animals – they now know that it is me that feeds them and when its time for their food, they all crowd around me and follow me everywhere I go in a big flock of chickens and ducks! There are 12 chickens, four geese, 18 ducks and now the 18 baby ducks.
   But it's not all hard work... the other day I went with the Kellards to a beautiful resort for the day. It had one of those amazing swimming pools right by the sea, so you can swim to the edge and look out over the ocean. And it was cooler than the sea as well which is lovely, because the sea is really very warm.