Tuesday 2 June 2015

Camp KNA

Lots of fun and games at our Camp on the Beach, where in the tropical heat it's not cold to jump in the sea!

It's been school holidays here in the Philippine – and we've been busy with plenty of activities to keep the kids busy and happy! Some of the older ones joined clubs for swimming and dancing lessons and there has been other activities for the others, but the main event was a three-day camp by the sea. 

We were able to use a large pavilion right on the beach. It was in an area called Tag Kawayan – not far from the farm – but to get there means travelling on a rough difficult road, on the far side of the island from the main highway. But it's a beautiful big sandy beach with clean, clear, cool ocean... and there is nobody else there. The pavilion was built to attract people to the area, but with the road not yet made it is pretty deserted.

It made a great place to have our camp. There were lots of games and sports for the kids, and of course loads of swimming time. Some of the boys made a long line with lots of hooks and were very successful in catching fish – which made a nice fresh dinner. There was also beach walks, volleyball and different kinds of games, plus times of home church and talent nights in the evenings. It was a very enjoyable time for us all and a highlight of the school holidays. And a delight to spend time in such a beautiful place.