Wednesday 12 August 2015

Where I sleep

Here you can see I share a room with all the boys... it’s a bit of a squeeze but fun. Not much privacy but it’s great - most of the time - sharing with the boys.

That's Richard on the top bunk, but most people in the house (and across the island) sleep on bedrolls on the floor. Richard has special needs and cannot talk more than a few simple words. Before he came to us, he used to spend all his time going though rubbish, finding anything recyclable (which can be sold in the Philippines to recycling companies).

I am the room leader as I am the adult and keep an eye on all the boys. There are always between four and seven of us sleeping in the room.

Our room is in the lower house  (see left of picture). The girls and married couples on the team are in the larger house that is built up on stilts.

Between the two houses is this meeting area where we all eat meals together, do church, social activities and education. It is a very close family atmosphere and the kids need that security and love after their terrible starts in life.