Tuesday 8 September 2015

Watch that car…

Teaching the guys on the team to drive.

Driving in the Philippines can be a crazy experience… the traffic weaves in and out… stops or changes directions without warning... and traffic lights and signs are seen more as suggestions then strict rules. Most of the people have no proper driving. 

I have both a Filipino and a UK driving license and the test is far easier here than the UK test; as far as I can tell, if you make it round the block without crashing you pass. And many drive without a license, 

At KNA we are regularly transporting kids and team around and so we must have a higher standard, therefore one of my jobs is driving instructor! I have taught several of the guys on the team to drive and there have been no accidents. Three point turns, emergency stops and other manoeuvres are in the lessons as well as vehicle control. So now we are all good safe drivers!