Wednesday 9 September 2015

Time with the kids

Living on the farm, being with the kids a lot of the time is a major part - not only of the work here - but also my life, as we have created a family environment needed to show them love.

We do a lot of activities for the kids, which is great time spent with them. Education of course is important and time is given to that most days. Some work gives them pocket money as well as teaching them skills and they all love helping with the animals. 

But weekends and evenings are family time when I focus even more on the kids. Sometimes there are guy times river swimming or fishing with the boys while the girls do more girlie things. On other occasions there will be art and crafts... dance night is popular with all the kids... and plenty of sports and games are great bonding times. 

It all helps them to feel they belong and to show them the love they had been so deprived of before we took them in. It’s not always easy as they have faced terrible rejection and pain in their pasts, but we can see huge improvement in them all. I always love time spent with the kids.