Tuesday 26 April 2016

A place in the village

The new ministry centre in the Badjao village is ready for action. It is built in the native style, up above the sea on posts like the rest of the village, located at the end of the new bridge and the furthest out to sea.

Our KNA safe home kids put on a puppet show for the Badjao kids at the centre's opening... as you can see in the pictures everyone enjoyed it!

I have been busy with the chainsaw again cutting the posts that it is built on. The centre is not yet 100% complete, although the shell of the building (floor, roof and outer walls) are in place. The last finishing touches such as toilet, cooking area and windows are being added a bit at a time each week.

The centre was built by local Badjao people working with KNA team members. The locals brought the necessary experience to build a house in this style, as building a house up above the sea has its difficulties! We are very excited to now have a centre in their village. We have started a new phase of outreach and community help with a weekly education plus bible teaching for a group of the Badjao kids. 

We have many more plans for the centre and how it can help the community in the near future. Plans include family planning training, adult learning, and education for the out-of-school kids (most of the Badjao kids don’t go to school) – plus medical outreaches and livelihood training.