Thursday 28 April 2016

The date is set

Life is very busy at the moment. Apart from the work and ministry activities here (which I love doing), we are also busy planning a wedding and searching for a plot of land where we can build a home for when we are married. 

The date for the wedding is now set as February 16, 2017, at Friendship Baptist Church, Puerto Princessa. It’s an open-sided building to let the wind through and keep it cooler. This has been Shiela’s church since she was small and we now regularly worship there. The reception will be held at Hotel Centro, further into the city. 

We are looking to find a plot of land in an area close to the KNA safe home. It’s a nice area outside of the city where it is cooler nearer the mountains. We haven't seen anywhere yet, but we are trusting God that he has the right place for us. Our days off are usually spent now planning wedding details or hunting for land. 

Our organisation Kanlungan ng ama (Fathers Refuge) has gone through some tough times recently. But God helps us through such times and we will come out stronger and closer to Him and each other.